Subject: Re: Spotting?
Posted by Lia on January 06, 1999 at 18:19:31:
In Reply to: Re: Spotting? posted by Thresa on January 03, 1999 at 12:28:35:
It turned out that she had some kind of parasite, chewed her self pretty bad. She actually chewed through her tail on top of it. Saddly, she is no longer with us. Thanks for asking. I hope you get this message. : Liz, : I see you got no response to your question. No, gliders don't "bleed". I'm curious if you found out what was happening. : : Our 9 month old sugar glider has been barking a alot and her tail is dark (maybe blood). Does anyone know what could be happening?
: : Thank you for any replys.
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