
Subject: Re: Got a point
Posted by JO on January 07, 1999 at 06:16:38:

In Reply to: Tired of the BS posted by noname on January 06, 1999 at 20:40:12:

In the last week, there has been more essay's about Kady and Susan Jokes than sugar gliders. I came to this site because I wanted to meet people who had common ground in our pets, and learn from knowledgeable people. I see a lot of unanswered mail, while gossip is running high. Its really too bad. If I wanted to be back lashed or gossiped about I'd join a women's group or go back to work in an office.
Try to remember how much love and fun we all have living with our gliders. Juliet who barks in the same spot every night because Romeo won't come out to play, That little paw that sneaks out and steals a carrot at a salad bar, or Susan's glider's infatuation with boating. We all don't have to claw and bite.

: Too many clics and holyer than thou attitudes here. I'm going to hop over to another page. try Sugar gliders and exotic pets Maybe there we will get seriious answers there without the BS

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