
Subject: baby has mood swings
Posted by April on April 07, 1998 at 12:18:12:

My baby Noe is going throught this werid mood swing. We've had her for a month now and I thought the bonding was going well, but things have changed over the past few days. She used to eat really well. Now all I can get her to eat is her glider mix which is made out of fruit juice with yogurt and calcuim, honey, boiled egg, protien baby cereal, wheat germ,reptical and baby food with chicken.I give her this every other night because it's protien and I know that their only soppose to get 25% protein and 75% fruits and veggies but that's the problem, she won't eat fruit and veggies, even her favorites and I give her a wide varity to eat. Also her pesronallity has changed, she is very crabby and bites hard where she wasn't like that before. I was carrying her around with me everyday and all day but haven't been able to this past week.Do you think she's spoiled and now she's made at me from not being able to spend as much time. I do spend an hour or two with her everyday.What's wrong and what should I do????
signed a very concerned

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