Message: In Reply to: Revisiting Glider Odor. posted by Vette on January 07, 1999 at 12:09:29: : I know this topic has been discussed several times. Anyway...I have been combating Glider odor problems ever since I got my male glider. (The female Never created a bad smell.) I thought I had the problem kicked via diet and frequent cage scrubbings. A week would go by with no odor, then suddenly POW, my room was thick with that pungant, acrid smell. The sad part is that I am allergic to this! (I am actually allergic to the gliders themselves much as a person is allergic to a cat. I am more allergic to the male than the female. It's his scent I think. If he crawls on me, each clawmark raises up like a mosquito bite.) Anyway...I still have not determined if this smell is urine, or rather his scent (possibly just large amounts of urine used as his scent?) I am guessing that about once a week he feels the need to mark his territory, thus the sudden appearance of the smell. Which is shortly followed by manic fits of sneezing, runny nose, etc. I will not give up my gliders, and I will be going to the doctor for some good allergy meds (I have other allergies as well). Has anyone found a way to prevent the male from stinking up the joint? Sorry this took so long. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. If he is not for breeding you may want to consider having him nuetered. I have heard that it cuts down on the smell a lot. good luck Melissa Onyx and Yoda
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