Subject: Re: Bonding
Posted by Thresa on April 10, 1998 at 13:17:16:
In Reply to: Bonding posted by Xay on April 08, 1998 at 02:41:49:
You've had Pookie for 39 days now. Since you've not been bitten to the bone or scratched bloody, sounds like you are doing it right. She will get tamer every day you can spend some time getting to know her. (you will get tamer too!) Try putting a sock cut off at the ankle in her bed to sleep in (make sure the sock has your scent on it too). Try putting that pouch/sock (where she will naturally like to sleep) in your pocket. That way maybe she won't feel so intimidated by the enclosure. You can pick her up in her pouch/sock and she should get very comfortable knowing you're going to give her a treat when you pick her up. My baby glider likes to ride inside my shirt, either on my shoulder like a little shoulder pad or in the middle of my back. I'm finding this is alot more convenient than having to figure where to carry her. My others like to be in a pocket, the baby don't. The baby thinks the inside of my shirt is her territory and even defends it, crabs at my hand when I reach in but lets me pet her without biting, she'll bite anther person. Each glider is individual and has its own preferences. What ever she prefers, try to work with that, as she gets tamer she'll be happy no matter where you put her. Your relationship with your glider will be a long term one, and well worth the patience.
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