
Subject: Re: Progress
Posted by Cynthia on January 11, 1999 at 22:08:15:

In Reply to: Progress posted by Susan on January 11, 1999 at 19:19:04:

My concern is that many times my female who is the adventuresome one, would jump for something and end up falling when she missed her mark and couldn't grab on - "whack!" Some of these falls were about 5 or 6 feet tall, but she got up and ran off again. Is this normal?

I have seen this many times until they learn better about judging distance. I would say that it is pretty normal. It won't be long before they learn what they can cling to and what they can't grasp.

Are they gonna break something?

Not likely but I suppose that it could happen,,,anything is possible.

Should I be worried? Or are they used to falling?

I wouldn't worry, but I wouldn't say that they are use to falling but they are use to gliding. They can glide up to 150 feet in the wild and go whump up against a tree when they land or even land feet first on the ground. I wouldn't be concerned about it unless she is jumping head first into the walls.

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