
Subject: Re: Maybe Cynthia, Maria, Jane or Mr Glider might help?
Posted by Jane on January 12, 1999 at 08:25:27:

In Reply to: Maybe Cynthia, Maria, Jane or Mr Glider might help? posted by Bourbon on January 12, 1999 at 01:19:16:

I havent seen this. Is it possible it could be from his skin drying out, Many people seem to be having problems with the level of humidity in the air during winter. but I would echo the sentiment if it looks bad or it doesnt disappear after a day or so take your glider to a vet. By the way, I only have four gliders (with 2 babies), i am not a huge breeder ;-) the most i have ever had is 9 and taht was ta the peak when i had rescued seven gliders from one idiot who hadnt a clue!
: I don't really know what it looks like, but since it isn't irrated i would illiminate the possibility of it beingh an injury. But if he is rubbing his head on like the cage itself or the nest box then that would explain it, also he may have parasites, stress, mites could be his diet.. the possibilities are endles. The reason I said these guys is that they have many gliders they might have already seen it..

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