
Subject: This might help
Posted by Daze on January 12, 1999 at 13:29:53:

In Reply to: Confused with all the food-Help! posted by Lynda on January 11, 1999 at 13:43:32:


I would recommend that you give them whatever you might
eat if you were on a very strict diet. VERY little fat.
If you've ever crash dieted before. Lots' of fruits and
veggies of course.If they don't like the veggies as much,
keep putting fresh ones' in there until it does eat them.
don't mix the fruits and veggies together if you have this
problem it will only eat the fruit. Alternate.
Do one day fruit, one days veggies.

A little fruit juice is good too in between meals
apple, grape, cranberry, orange, odwalla, whatever

Eggs are good for them, I hard boil mine and only give them
the white part, it is the part packed with protein. The
orange part has all the fat and cholesterol in it. Maybe
a few small peices of this once a week or even less is

I too, am confused about the cat food issue. I beleive that
there is a dry food like cat food for gliders out there
somewhere. I feed mine Iam's right now, but I am going
to find the one for gliders, I don't think you could go
wrong on that. The whole point of the dry food is protien,
which is what the live bugs are for. So I recommend the
meal worms and crickets to give that other 25%.(unless you
can catch different kinds in your garden) There is
a debate over the amount of live to give a day. I give
mine 1 meal worm every other day, but I give her other
things with protein as well. It's the closest thing to
what they actually eat in the wild. Some give them up to
four bugs a day.

I also give mine baby food, fruit. kind of like a side
desert every nite. Be careful not to put but maybe a tsp
or so or again they will not eat anything else. Plus it's
a processed food and you want to avoid processed for the
most part.
Some of Moxxie's favorites
Banana(yes banana, the only variety she will eat)
apple sauce
Hawian delight/tropic fruit medley
fruit medley/other type's of fruit

Then theres nuts, try to limit that to a few small nuts a week,
because of the fat in them. They sometimes like dried
fruit of all kinds, but just once in a while...processed.

No processed sugar, use honey for sweetener and a treat

Do the leadbeaters and put it on the side once in a while.
Try a little glideraid too.

Don't worry, they like variety I've noticed, if you stick
to one plan your glider may tire of the same ol same ol.
I hope that I helped but again it's an opinion, I don't
think you are going to be able to get away from that.
A lot of work is'nt it?
Ta Ta

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