
Subject: Re: Female in heat?
Posted by JO on January 13, 1999 at 14:01:25:

In Reply to: Behavior Questions posted by Tammy H on January 13, 1999 at 13:49:49:

From all the advise I have been given, you can't tell when a female is ready to breed because they don't go into heat like
other animals. How do you tell?

: My oldest male and his mate have been together nearly a year (no babies yet). Last night they barely ate their favorite foods, didnt want playtime with momma and even declined a mealworm treat. I think they were busy "doin' the dew".
: I know Belle has been in heat, at least a few times, since they've been together; but, frankly, I haven't really examined their eating habits/preferences during these times. When I started reading SG Webpages, I realized I need
: to more closely monitor their behaviors (since exotics hide/mask illnesses so well), in order to catch things before they reek serious havoc with my babies health and well-being.

: Is not eating (much) during mating normal ???

: Also my youngest was purchased from a very reputable breeder in Texas as a female (oop 9/27). She's taming up nicely, but has started to exhibit male agressive tendancies, like marking things with her chest, mock attacking her male companion,
: and doing that "grip it with the teeth and do a little hiney dance" to show who's boss. Is it possible an error has been made and she's really a neutered he. I cant get her to hold still to check for the marsupium slit. Any ideas on how
: to check for pouch or what else I could look for.

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