Subject: baby...or babies?
Posted by Tina on January 15, 1999 at 00:43:12:
Well it looks as if Polly may be pg again! I was so heartbroken when her first baby died,that now I want to make sure I do everything possible to prevent this from happening again. First of all it looks like it may be 2( 2 bumps instead of one) or does the other side swell up even with 1? Second...right now she gets 1 meal worm a day(hasn't had them for 2 wks because the stores supply had gotten frozen),plus we have a constant suppy of kibble for them,and of course each nite they get fresh fruit and veggies sprinkled with supplement every other day.Sometimes they get a bit of baby food or yogurt too. any suggestions on what to change to make sure she is getting all the nutrition she needs,and does she require even more if it is twins? Any helpful comments would be appreciated :) Tina Polly & Elmo..sweet SG's Jinx..the furry ferret Ozzy & Noah,the crazy canines
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