
Subject: Re: Adding to my pair
Posted by Cynthia on January 16, 1999 at 08:46:03:

In Reply to: Adding to my pair posted by Susan on January 16, 1999 at 07:19:34:

Most often not just occasionally, when two females are kept together successfully without fighting,,,which could be a rarity in itself,,,the dominant female will kill the offspring of the submissive female even while they are still in the pouch. What is usually done is that the female with babies is removed from the breeding cage and housed seperately until her young are weaned. Then she is reintroduced. I do not recommend keeping trios unless the male is neutered. In the wild males combat males and females combat females and often it is to the death when it concerns an unacceptable glider. These are very territorial animals and when kept in cages their territory is very limited. Also I would not recommend keeping more than one pair to a cage for the same reason. I even know about one pair of sisters that fought to the death of one of them and the mutilation of the other when they were just 3 months oop. Use caution whenever you have a pair of same sex gliders in the same cage.

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