
Subject: Re: Misbehaving Glider
Posted by Susan on January 16, 1999 at 16:50:45:

In Reply to: Re: Misbehaving Glider posted by cuddlez on January 16, 1999 at 12:49:59:

I hate to say this, but Daquiri sounds like a tart. It's only my opinion, but I feel she's too young to wear your make up - it attracts the males too much, they'll be all over your house trying to mark her cage and stinking up the place. Sit the little tart down and explain the rules to her before you hear the pitter patter of little claws. Tough love - you have to do it. Good luck. p.s. - I don't let mine borrow the car anymore after the "joyriding" incident. Sheesh, motherhood is tough. Don't even get me started about what Joey was doing after he escaped the confines of his cage (the door was still locked and the wires are way too small for him to squeeze through - it's a mystery) I won't go into detail about his night of freedom, but lets just say I found an empty bottle, 2 prancing poodles, an overturned lamp and my poor hamster Hammy girl will never be the same!

: YES! Daquiri has been sneaking out late at night, I am quite worried about her too! She is such a pretty little one I hope the others don't get any perverted ideas about her, her broiling hormones and all!
: I have found that grounding her didn't do any good. She just threw a hissy fit and out came all sorts of bad words.
: She has a beautiful stripe of her own , yet she keeps stealing my mascara!
: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
: -cuddlez-

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