Subject: Re: gliderade,leadbeters, omnivore pellets all ok at one time
Posted by Ronda on January 16, 1999 at 17:14:25:
In Reply to: Re: gliderade,leadbeters, omnivore pellets all ok at one time posted by Clara on January 16, 1999 at 17:04:05:
I mix the gliderade,5 to 1 and it's a mellon ball size scoop of powder I use, and that fills up the baby food jar, they don't drink all of it in a night, the pellets I don't break up, and I do most of the fuits you said, the leadbeters is the one from Bourbon, the viatim supp, I did cut back because of the gliderade, : How much gliderade are you giving them? If you give them too much, they will ignore other food. About 1/4 tsp powder is all that's necessary, even for 4 gliders. : Do you break up the Omnivore pellets? Mine won't eat them unless I break them into smaller pieces. Which recipe do you use for leadbeaters? If you have any supplements added to it (including calcium) it should only be fed once or twice a week to avoid oversupplementation. Do you provide a calcium supplement? : Try adding vegetables cooked or raw like corn, squash (butternut is a favorite here), peas, snow peas, cooked beans, also try cooked rice, pasta, oatmeal, fruits like grapes, mango, blueberries, honeydew melon, watermelon, and proteins like cooked chicken. : Crickets and mealworms are important as insects are a major part of their diet in the wild. I also give mine pumpkin and hemp seeds as treats. Hemp seeds are extremely nutritous, they are high in protein (second only to soy beans but easier to digest) and essential fatty acids not to mention they adore them. : : Clara : Sugar Gliders & Exotic Pets : : : Just a double check here, my gliders love the gliderade, I mix it up every night in a baby food jar fill the lid coax them out, then I just leave the rest of the jar in there cage for them to drink out of the rest of the night. The omnivore pellets are just left in at all times, they just snack on them. I can see where they nibble on them but not in a large amount. Not even a pellet a night and this is for 4 of them. Then on a plate I give them, about 4 teaspoons of the leadbeters and fruits, they ignore the fruits no matter how well it is all mixed. Will this diet be ok. Thanks
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