
Subject: Re: Cynthia...or anyone
Posted by Cynthia on January 18, 1999 at 03:34:06:

In Reply to: Cynthia...or anyone posted by Susan on January 17, 1999 at 17:31:49:

: It's not so much the cage that smells, it's actually the gliders, they smell of poo or something. So strongly that if they are out and about and they are close by, I smell them before I see them. They are on the leadbeater diet

Cut back on the amount of vitamins that you are putting into your leadbetters mix, especially if you are using the linatone (sp), until there is no odor and then add just a bit more. This is what I have read on the boards about odor, vitamins and the leadbetters mix. I use the accu-feed pellets and do not have an odor problem.

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