Subject: Leadbeaters, Glideraide
Posted by Jane on January 19, 1999 at 11:43:39:
In Reply to: Re: Clara :: Leadbeaters, Glideraide posted by Bourbon on January 19, 1999 at 02:40:19:
We really have no idea how much these creatures need and our own short experiments are really not very scientific experiments. we all try our best and perhaps the only way we can tell is by the regualrity of our females producing healthy babies. None of us regularly x-ray our gliders to check for bone density. I personally have a dish that gets a variable per night- baby foiod/ leadbetters/ or glideraide and occasionally yogurt. By the above criteria of both of you (Clara and Bourbon) the fact my gliders are healthy on this diet for three years might say it is healthy. However Maria has had her gliders on no glideraide and no leadbetters for about four years and they have been healthy and this is a more vaild study as more gliders are available. We need to note all types of diets and see how gliders have done long term on these diets. Caroline Macpherson has used moderate amounts of yogurt for years to prevent hind leg paralysis- afgain a longer term situation with more gliders. I am loath to both give ultimate diet advice or se it come from anyone with one or two gliders. Yes we can make points but rela information comes with time and large numbers of animals under the same conditions. this is why in chinchillas the fur breeders provided all the relevant diet facts while the pet owners jsut folowed this excelent advice. I do not knock anyone but just want to point out that we need the larger breeders and long termers like Ruth to get accurate information. And can we please make sure we give Ruth Grove the credit she deserves for finding the original leadbetters recipe from Tarronga Zoo. : My Modified Version of Leadbeaters : 1 4oz bottle Gerber juice with yoguart (Mixed Fruit or Bannana) both have yoguart mixed in
: 1/2 cup Honey
: 1 egg with shell (boiled or scrambled) (I Hard Boil Mine)
: 1/2 cup high protein baby cereal (I use rice with fruit bits)
: 2 teaspoons RepCal non-phosphorus with vit D3 in it. Pink and white jar (my petstore ordered it for me)
: 1/4 cup Wheat Germ
: 1 2 1/2 oz jar of Stage 2 Heinz chicken baby food
: mix it well in a blender, freeze in a tupperware bowl, or pour into an ice cube tray. 1 tablespoon per
: glider each night. It will freeze the consistancy of ice cream. If they eat it all the first night add a little : more the next night till they leave only a little bit. This will feed 2 gliders for approximately1 month. : After I spoon it into their bowl, I will mix in a few frozen veggies.. corn, peas, carrots. etc. In a side : bowl offer other fruits and veggies. etc.. Also feed mealworms, crickets, moths . Mine won't eat the : pinky mice, But if it is a bug.. Look out..Not too many of the mealworms though they are high in fat. If : it moves, try it. In the summer the fav is man'o wars or skeeter eaters.. whichever people call them : they look like giant mesquitos and june bugs. : i feed it to them (4) about 2 tablespoons, 1 tblspoon per 2 gliders everynight , along with the veggies and fruits. They are also AE gliders so whatever I happen to eat as well during the day. Chicken, tomatoes, peas, fruits, mealworms, crickets, etc.. I don't fed them any other suppliments at all, and no commercial feeds. I have been using this successfully for 2 years, But if I were to try the glideraid.. I would like to know what modifications i would have to make. This recipe is good for 2 weeks for my 4 gliders so I guess in actuallity i guess that means each glider is only getting like a 1/4 of a teaspoon of repcal per 2 week period, which i bet is a lot less than those that dust their crickets with it. the list of variables as far as the food is far to long to list as far as what do they eat.. as a rough guess they eat about a tablespoon of various foods with me during the day and I offer about a tablespoons worth of fruits and veggies with the beaters..
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