
Subject: something about the chase....
Posted by SlimBuddha on January 19, 1999 at 13:49:32:

In Reply to: Re: 8 week old glider won't eat insects posted by Bourbon on January 19, 1999 at 12:20:58:

I noticed my glider Marcio isn't much for any insect he can't chase down. I guess, he enjoys the chase just as much as the meal. The way you may entice your glider may be to create a "chase." I just put a few crickets in a 10gallon tank, and let my glider go. He gets VERY excited.
I do not cover the tank though. While, he does love crickets, he isn't much for mealworms.

My female glider isn't much for the chase but she loves both mealworms and crickets.

I think variety is the key, and make it fun for them.


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