
Subject: Re: To Someone who Knows About Briskeys
Posted by Cynthia on January 19, 1999 at 15:09:57:

In Reply to: Re: To Someone who Knows About Briskeys posted by Cynthia on January 19, 1999 at 14:34:07:

: : 4. What about the Mold Factor?

: Not sure of what you want here, I have never had a problem with mold.

Most people know what mold looks like and feels like and if I were to get a bag of accu-feed that were moldy I would not feed it to my gliders but take it back to where I got it from. I did ask Mr. Brisky about that and he doesn't have any experience with feeding moldy food either and was kinda at a loss here. I can't see anyone deliberatly feeding moldy food to a glider either to find out,,,so we may have to depend on the misfortune of others to learn.

: : 5. What is the safest way to store this so that it continues to be healthy?

: I store mine in a canister and refill it from ziplock bags of food that I have stored in a box in my closet. I usually order enough to last me about a month so storage is not a problem. I am told by Mr. Brisky himself that it can be stored for up to 6 months this way and if you think that you may need to store it longer than 6 months that it can be frozen then thawed as needed.

: : 6. What health risks are involved if these precautions are not taken ?

After 6 months the vitamins and minerals that are in the food begin to deteriorate and disipate so that it is no longer nutritious. If fed it could lead to health problems relating to the lack of vitamins and minerals. If stored in a cool, dry, place in air tight containers this should not be a problem and frozen accu-feed can be kept that way for up to one year.
: I don't know but I can ask Mr. Brisky for that matter anyone can ask him anything about any of his products by calling the 800 number on their web site. He is a very socialable person and doesn't mind in the least answering questions.

: : 7. Why does it have such a short shelf life ?

: Is 6 months really a short shelf life? I don't know, again I can ask him and get back to you with the information.

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