Message: In Reply to: more than we can keep happy posted by MBinDenver on April 12, 1998 at 10:32:31: : I posted yesterday saying we had more sugar gliders than we could deal with. The issue is we have many other pets, kids, etc., and the sugar gliders are not getting much attention. I got positive responses from several of you, and in one case asking for how to reach us. Kevin wanted babies, and before long that will also pass. I know the sugar gliders are usually for sale, but we are in a situation where we have too many and are more inteerested in finding a loving home for some of them. Am interested in becoming a sg mommy and daddy. We live in Vermont and have never had any before, but have been reading everything about them and would give a very loving, patient and resposible home. No kids, and only a kitty who loves other animals, even hampsters. Have been in lots of contact with Bourbon in Tennessee for the last few months, discussing possiblities. Am interested in young sg's minus "problems" for first time owners.
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