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Subject: Re: calcium?
Posted by Ronda on January
19, 1999 at 20:28:19:
In Reply to: calcium?
posted by katie glas on January 19, 1999 at 20:21:46:
: what exactly do I need to feed my sg.......is repcal enough?
Where do I get the gliderade and briskeys from? What exactly are in these?
thanks for the help
: katie
Briskey's can be found at there web site brisky.com gliderade
can be ordered from exoticpets@email.com or www.angelfire.com look around
for facehugger/supplies.aspl As far as what is in them I am
no help other than reading what is on the papers that come with them. Mine
like the gliderade, but not much for the briskys, I don't do either one
as a main diet, I do leadbeters and fruits and vegies, I use the omnivore
pellets and the briskys for a hard chewing treat, to give teeth and hands
something hard to play with.
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