Subject: my glider can't glide...
Posted by Susan on April 15, 1998 at 15:48:04:
My female glider is about 10+ months old and cannot glide. We have encoraged her to do so by holding her at various heights, gently letting her fall onto soft things, tossing her, letting her fall off things, and a variety of other things. She seems to be afraid of heights (and is a bit underdeveloped). She just looks at where she is supposed to be gliding to carefully, decies it is not for her, and will back up my arm. She will jump around if the leap is not more that 2-3 feet high, but will not open her membranes usually. They actually seem VERY underdeveloped and wouldn't do her much good, anyway. Our other glider is about 2+ years old and is a gliding powerhouse and learned the week we got her at a very young age. The older glider is definately dominant. Any suggestions? We keep having hopes that she is learning, but has been at the same point for months now. She is a very sweet, clingy glider!
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