
Subject: Jane, My apologies to you..
Posted by Bourbon on January 20, 1999 at 12:51:39:

Jane you and I have been through a lot on this board. You have been there through all the slams I have recieved. You also know that most of them were (supossedly ) started by professed breeders. After going through the last one, I started doubting myself and what I really did know, and what really qualified me to post my methods at all. After reading her post, again I got furious, I started thinking how long the last one took to finally put behind us, so I decided I wasn't going to post again till I had time to cool off, I was always thinking of how long it took to rebuild a respected reputation, knowing one post can cause enough doubt in peoples minds. I thought about the 5 gliders that I am aware of that has died in this month alone. I know that i couldn't have done any more that what I had done to save these poor guys. The questions started coming in about the diets.. I know nothing about their diets, I just know what works for me and the countless others I have worked with. I got on here to start a deep conversation about the feeds, the same questions that have been asked before but only answered briefly, and not explained so some could understand it. Were their diets reponsible for the deaths? I don't know.. But I tried every so hard to try to make sure some one else wasn't going to maybe over suppliment their babies, As studies have showed and oversupplimentation of calcium and selenium and some vits. are very dangerous, as with the undersullimenting of calcium. selenium etc.. So I toss and turn all these things in my head. The long distance vet was confered with on the phone was convinced that is was a calcium defiency.. Mind you this vet is a very reputable vet in the field of Sugar Gliders, but he didn't have Abbey in his hands to give her the testing and checkups that she needed. Based on what he was told by the symptoms alone that was his conclusion. That got everyone of us that night worried about the various diets each of us was on. So I came on here to try to get some real answers for everyone. Hence where your post came in. I posted that post, not wanting to change what I used because it works, but to help others in case they too were using glideraide with leadbeaters, I then later posted a question about Briskeys as well. It was in your post that stated " I am loath to both give ultimate diet advice or see it come from anyone with one or two gliders."then the " this is why in chinchillas the fur breeders provided all the relevant diet facts while the pet owners jsut folowed this excelent advice." and that set me wondering if you were saying that I as an owner didn't have the qualifications to discuss this subject. Again remember this goes into what we discussed before with the difference between "intention and perception" You inteded it one way, I preceived another. I took those sentences as being "you are not a breeder thefefore you should let the breeders decide then you only follow what they say " Again I reread that post , I read that post 4 times each time I read it I got angrier and angrier. Here I was (feeling) that again I had to defend myself. I had never heard of a Mrs Glider prior to her post, I went to all the messages boards and still found nothing. I actually thought you had wrote that post after reading this post. Was it impetutious? maybe, was it improper? maybe, But as with everyone before me that had left, I too felt like I was being run off, that my knowledge was being questioned.. You know as I do that many a good person has been run from this board, many people that could be very very helpful. In the past I have pushed and pushed for research before and after getting a glider. The blunt truths made you and I look like we didn't want people to get giders, people didn't want to hear the facts. I made my page for that reason. You and I both have been accused of being harsh and hard core, because we do care so deeply about the gliders. But we also have differences of opinions. I was so taken back by your post thinking that you were telling me to leave things like that to a breeder. (this is how I interpeted it.) That I figured that If YOU thought I shouldn't be here as well as the "Big Breeders" Then I would give up, I am tired of the fighting, tired of being someones taget to make themselves feel better. So I wish to tell you personally that If I misinterpeted where you were coming from I am sorry..

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