Subject: Re: Smell
Posted by Kelly Keoppen on January 25, 1999 at 10:20:58:
In Reply to: Re: Smell posted by cuddlez on December 20, 1998 at 20:44:25:
: Well, I have one female Glider named Daquiri. She really doesn't smell much at all, When I first got her, even her pee didn't smell(at all, just like she trickled water on me) : I feed her accu-feed (from and fruits and veggies, and an occasional cricket or moth when we catch one. Her urine now smells a little bit. but not much. Sometimes she gives off a skunky smell when I pick her up in the morning. It wipes off from her "spot" down below, That could be from her being preggers, but I'm not sure. I hear the males always smell stronger then the females?! : cuddlez and Daquiri
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