
Subject: Re: Glider Won't Eat
Posted by Sara on January 29, 1999 at 07:26:32:

In Reply to: Glider Won't Eat posted by Melinda on January 28, 1999 at 21:09:06:

Melinda - If Micah is acting quite normal and rambunctious at night than I wouldn't be too concerned. It happens with these animals where they will go through short periods of eating less. Watch Micah closely though and see that she looks alert and healthy and also monitor her food intake. You should notice in a day or two that she is eating back up to her normal amount - if not post again or call the vet. Personally, I've seen my gliders do this from time to time and I haven't lost a one yet! But I know how they can worry you....keep us posted hon.

: My glider Micah hasn't hardly eaten in two nights, should I be concerned? I feed him Briskys and treats such as grapes, worms, etc. He just ate a grape but I am still worried. Any ideas?? Thanks.

: Melinda & Micah

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