
Subject: Message for all, you too Bourbon!
Posted by Shianne on January 29, 1999 at 09:09:19:

I just wanted to let everyone know that this page has really been a big help to me as I am a new glider mommy with one little girl. It's nice to know that I am not the only one with glideritis!
I do have one or two questions though, my Gizmo is coming along and willing to jump on my hands and arms when they are in the cage and accepts treats eagerly. Because she is a little older I do not know how to get her used to being on me without having to chase her around the room to get her back in her cage. I don't want to stress her out but I really beleive the potential is there except that she is six months old and rather hyper.
Also, how common are naps? She does not seem depressed otherwise and gets lots of time with me but naps once or twice a night.

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