
Subject: Re: Socks as beds?
Posted by Cynthia on January 29, 1999 at 11:40:36:

In Reply to: Socks as beds? posted by JessRoo on January 29, 1999 at 07:16:26:

: Hey, i ran out of cardboard boxes for Roo, so I took an old sock and turned it inside out so the "hooky" side was on the outside and her claws wouldnt get stuck. Is this ok for a temporary bed or can I keep it because she seems to like it and is is very cheap to replace.
: -Jess

Gliders nails tend to snag strings in socks and then they get their feet, legs, and tails entangled in these strings, twisting them over and over again trying to get loose only to tighten the string and thereby cutting off the circulation and they end up losing a foot, leg, tail, or if they get it around their throat they could and have been known to strangle themselves and die. Socks are never a good idea, not for any period of time.

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