Subject: Glider v. Siamese Cat - Cute Story
Posted by Wendy on January 29, 1999 at 16:35:28:
When I first got Furby back in December, I accepted the fact that Merlin, my siamese cat, was going to be a concern, consequently, I always keep a close eye on the both of them whenever they're in a room together. After the first week or two, both have been able to co-exist in my lap at night while I watch T.V. with no problems. Merlin is definitely aware of Furby, in fact each night they start off with a small mutual nose sniffing thing, but then they both settle down, Merlin to his napping and Furby to his snacking. Anyway, last night the most amazing thing happened. First off, Furby got it in his head he wanted to groom Merlin's back, which amazingly, Merlin tolerated until Furby nibbled once, just a bit too hard. Then it gets better; Merlin starts thrashing his tail and Furby began chasing it. He would dance around, jump up, catch it in both arms, hold it down as best he could, and groom it a bit until Merlin whipped it out of his grasp and they'd do it all again. Believe me, the cat knew exactly what was going on. He almost seemed to be enjoying it. This went on for several minutes. My husband and I just sat there and shook our heads in complete amazement. Merlin is different from most cats, in that he has always enjoyed what my husband affectionately calls, "the tail game", this is where my husband yanks and pulls on his tail and the cat digs his claws into the carpet or couch and hangs on for dear life. So, this looked to us to be another version of the "tail game". What absolutely amazes me is that a 9 year old male cat is allowing an animal that in the wild would be considered lunch, play with his tail. ~W~
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