Well I arrived pack at the store promptly at 12:00 today to find the poor thing weak from no sugar/food and curled up on the bottom of the cage shaking again. I asked the guy at the counter how he was before I went to check on him and the jerk said I don't know I have checked on him all day. I noticed last night that he would only crab when he had strength and if not he would not put up any type of defense at all. This lathargic state was how I found him this morning. I was FURIOUS! All that stress and crying last night to walk back into the same thing this morning. I had brought my own supplies just incase this time, syringe, juice, grapes, ect. I scooped him up and without even asking took him to the back and began giving him liquids. He was so hungry. He basically did the same thing that he did last night, which was eat, rest and get much better all of the sudden. Anyway the supervisor was at the store getting some nectar that I had told the people to get the night before and when she got back we talked for a long while. She fixed the cage correctly while I was there and was going to take him home tonight to make sure that he got the sugar he needed and didn't get to weak. She also called the one of the best vets in the area to come and see him. I also got her to put him in the back room for now so that he would be away from all the noise and proding fingers for awhile. I talked to her about buying him, but I really can't afford it and I am not sure what to do. I thought that I could put him on the credit card and get him well myself and maybe resell him once he is better, but the store can't guarentee him to live any amount of time and I already have $400 dollars worth of credit card bills to pay. I know that is not terrible, but I am a full time college student living completely off of a $5.85 an hour part time job of only 12 hours a week and then of course the occasional babysitting. Plus I am afraid that he may need vet care that I couldn't afford either. I really want to get him but I just don't know what to do. I was at the store for about 4 hours today. I called tonight to check on him and they said he was doing a lot better. I am going back in the morning to check on him again. Any advice would be great. Oh and what kind of baby food did you suggest for diaherea (sp?)--what if he doesn't like that? Thanks so much for your support and help. Wish me luck--
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