Subject: hind leg confusion
Posted by Jen on January 31, 1999 at 22:11:56:
Many of you responded to my post earlier this morning. I was writing in concern about my glider having hind leg paralysis. I took your advice and called the emergency vet clinic. Unfortunetly no one really knew much about gliders. But they did give me some glideraide and some info (which I already knew because they copied it off the net). I'm going to take Sadie to the vet tomarrow to get her checked out more thoroughly. But meanwhile I am very confused. She is getting around better than she has for the last few days. Not completely back to normal.. but better. And I saw her grooming herself with those hind legs. She seemed as though nothing was wrong. I was sure it was hind leg paralysis but now that I watched her groom herself so thoroughly..I'm not so sure. Very Confused. Sadie and Jen
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