Subject: Re: just got 2 gliders. will they ever like me?
Posted by Ronda on February 01, 1999 at 19:05:09:
In Reply to: Re: just got 2 gliders. will they ever like me? posted by deb on February 01, 1999 at 13:35:35:
Yes give it lots of time, I had mine for almost 2 months before they were comfotable with me, lots of time. Take it slow. Don't give up. : my 2 lil marsupials were downright violent (terrified) when I got them. the male finally has come 'round but the female is not showing any signs of it (maybe the fact that she's with joey has something to do with it). i just make it a point to handle them every day and ignore the bloodshed (mine). dont give up !
: : : just got 2 siblings and they seem to still crab alot at me. im very patient and i carry them with me in there nest at night so they can see me. ive had them for a week now. is there anything i should be doing to get them to like me more? and also what vitamins have calcium that i should be giving them to prevent def. thanks for your help. : : mm
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