
Subject: Re: Irish Creme: thank you....
Posted by Tammy H on February 17, 1999 at 07:56:18:

In Reply to: Irish Creme: thank you.... posted by Kris and Java )i( on February 17, 1999 at 00:56:17:

:I've tried hiss/sneeze at my eldest most mischievous male. Only rather than biting again in spite of my obvious displeasure, he strikes at my face OUCH -- the little snot--
So I've started keeping a fingertip towel handy -- when he bites, I just LIGHTLY pop the towel at him until he stops. I only use this technique for biting, for all other behavior, I just distract him with some other acceptable behavior. But the biting thing he cannot be nicely discouraged from doing. The towel thing seems to work -- he just goes on his merry way to find some other way to antagonize his humans -- ya know, like making "facehugger" leaps from out of nowhere

Follow Ups:

  • OUCH! IrishCreme 20:55:12 2/17/99 (0)