
Subject: Re: PLEASE HELP, HAVE A REALLY BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Becca on February 17, 1999 at 17:42:59:

In Reply to: PLEASE HELP, HAVE A REALLY BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by James on February 17, 1999 at 17:22:03:

: hi, I am going to get a single glider soon. first. will a 27 inch by 17 inch by 22 inch be big enough? Seconed, will it want anouther glider to be friends with or will I be its best friend
: thanks please relpy

No that cage is most definately not big enough. At the very least one glider needs an 18 inch wide by 18 inch deep by 3 foot tall cage. Two need at least a 2 foot by 2 foot by 3 foot cage. Anything less is cruel.
Single gliders need a lot more attention. Can you spend 6 or more hours with your glider everyday just to make sure it doesn't get depressed?? Don't mean to sound rude, but you need to do some basic research and find out what it really takes to be a good owner.
Read some websites, take notes and then if you have questions...

Two links for you to start your research: GliderNet and Sugar Glider Info

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