
Subject: Lets not try to make others.
Posted by Bourbon on February 19, 1999 at 00:44:19:

In Reply to: I wish I could solve your dilemma for you dear -- but what the heck is icq?! Is it an address source and how do I get off it so I don't get frightened by strange people like you?! n/m posted by Sharon on February 18, 1999 at 18:37:00:

Look bad for something that i myself was wanting to say, I didn't say anything ealier cause it was already said by someone else. But I myself, have email sent to and from Susan at this same address in deep conversation regarding her two gliders. The address is the same as yours. During that time I too looked up her address on ICQ only to find 4 other peoples names , but no suasan, and no sharon, I just checked again. If you have a multiple personality disorder thats fine., but don't sit there and try to make others look like they don't know what they are talking about. Many people on this board probably never knew what the word research meant prior to getting a glider. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the only thing that don't make sense, is the way you are handleing this. So instead of jumping on the people here for doing what they do. You should go back your self and check out the posts from susan, email her yourself. Maybe she will respond back.. But I also agree that it is real strange that all 6 people have the same email address and all 6 people live in Canada and 2 of the six have 2 gliders. Someone said in a post awhile back, that the glider world isn't that big, it is in fact a pretty close knit community. People base a lot of trust, truth and sheer understanding. If something smells fishy, well someone will bring it out. As did the anon posters. I myself think it is a cowards way out, but then again so is using different names. this is just my opinion on this matter, and don't even think about calling me a liar and acusse me of having a mental problem. I will post each and every one of the emails that went back and forth for all to see. With return addresses included. There has been enough BULL on this board without you trying to stir up even more. If it isn't you, then someone in your home. I know if it were me I would try to find out what it is all about, instead of trying to slam people with un necessary emails, and ugly posts.

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