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Posted by: beth
Subject: where do i get repcal?
When: 8:10 PM, 29 Nov 2000

Where do i get repcal for my leadbeaters mix? I have some from where I got my glider, but it is getting low and I want to go ahead and get more. Can I buy it online? thanks!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 4:26 PM, 30 Nov 2000

<a href=></a>
<a href=></a>

Posted by: BareBones,
Subject: RepTcal or RepCal????
When: 9:59 PM, 30 Nov 2000

I have a question. I am a new owner. I have heard or RepTcal and RepCal. There was one that you were supposed to use and the other you were supposed to stay away from at all costs.
Also is there any other suppliments I should give besides this? raspberry

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: RepCal ingredients?
When: 10:19 PM, 30 Nov 2000

I bought Fluker's Repta-Calcium with Vit D3 and no phosphorus. The ingredients are limestone flour, flavor, and D-activated animal sterol. I looked at the above two sites but couldn't find the specific ingredients in RepCal. I would be so grateful if someone could check their container of RepCal so I could compare and find out if I have to order RepCal specifically. Thanks as ALWAYS!

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: none
When: 10:03 PM, 01 Dec 2000

I think my question got lost - bumping up in hopes someone will just read to me the exact ingredients on the carton of their RepCal. Please? smile
Thanks! wink

Posted by: Sheila,
Subject: none
When: 1:29 AM, 02 Dec 2000

Ok Repcal has this: Calcium Arbonate and vitamin D3 supplement. Guraranteed Analysis Calcium Minimum 35%, Calcium Maximum 40%, vitamin D3 minimum 400,000 IU/Kg

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: none
When: 8:35 AM, 03 Dec 2000

BareBones it is the repcal that you should use and stay away from the Repto-cal, that one has phosphorus and you need the one without.

I use HerpCare Brand Calcuium with Vit D3 supplement. It too is phosphorus free. And easier for me to find around here.

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: none
When: 8:23 PM, 03 Dec 2000

Thanks very much. Looks like I am trying to compare apples and oranges here in terms of what is listed, but they may still be the same. I wonder what the source of the RepCal calcium is (since the other says it is from limestone powder). I think is safe to use as long as it doesn't have phosphorus.