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Posted by: none,
Subject: The intro of new M with F
When: 8:00 PM, 03 Dec 2000

I just got a male glider for my female. I was wondering if there is any special way I should intorduce them together? Any information will help!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 8:34 PM, 03 Dec 2000

The best and most recommended way to introduce gliders to each other is to place them in separate cages next to one another for usually no less than 1 month.
The cages should be placed so that the glider may see and smell each other without being able to grab one another through the bars.
It is also recommended that sleeping pouches be switched from time to time enabling them to get used to each others smell.
After a couple of weeks supervised playtime outside the cages may be attempted.
You should be able to tell from the gliders reaction to each other during playtime how they are progressing.
The most important thing to remember is to NEVER rush the introduction process. Gliders who are introduced prematurely can often cause injury or be injured themselves.
Just like the bonding process, time and patience is the key to a successful introduction.

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 10:17 PM, 03 Dec 2000

I agree with Karen E. Another thing I do when I first put them togetheris this. I thoroughly clean the cage they'll be in. I put the "new" glider in for a few hours ahead of the other so that the older one will not feel it's strictly his territory. What Karen says is very good, but I usually introduce the glider the day I bring it home. It has worked except for the gliders that don't get along except with one other animal--NG was that way. She did not get along with 3 different males until BooBoo came along; they did hit it off immediately. Good luck! (I hope you don't have a girl like NG.)

Posted by: PreddyFairy,
Subject: none
When: 4:04 AM, 04 Dec 2000

This is what I did also. It will definitely help them get use to each other, if you put them together before they are use to each other, they will go nuts and fight, or chase each other and it may get out of hand. best thing to do is set them side by side for 1 month, then start the playtime stuff. also remember when you bring a new glider into your home, quarentine is important because if the new glider has any illnesses or anything your glider wil catch these. 30 day quarentine is important so that u can make sure they are both in good health before you put them together, or before u know it u will be paying a double vet bill. Good Luck!!

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 10:34 AM, 04 Dec 2000

here is a page that has been built, if anyone has any other ideas to add to it let me know

<a href=></a>