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Posted by: Robin,
Subject: Diet Concerns (AGAIN)
When: 9:14 AM, 14 Dec 2000

Kiki has decided that she really doesn't like fruit from the very beginning, and that has still not changed. She will eat apples and mango, but that's it. She eats corn and sometimes sweet potatoes. She doesn't even like baby food fruit, and I swear I've tried every flavor by now.

Here's the thing...she LOVES baby food juice! I've been giving her about two tablespoons about twice a week. She still eats her BML and mealies and cricks, but I'm concerned since fruit intake should be 25-33% of her diet. And she will still drink her water on these nights.

Is there a supplement I should give her, or can I give her some baby juice every night as long as I'm sure she's drinking water? Or I still have a little Glider Aid left...should I go back to using that?

We've tried all the fruits/vegs over and over and she's now about 5mos OOP, so I don't think her tastes are likely to change at this point. Any help on what I should do?


Follow Ups:

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 1:30 PM, 14 Dec 2000

relax, robin, usually until they are about 6 months oop, they may not take to those things, the fav fruit amoung most gliders is watermellon, apple, grape, canalope. as for the fruits being 33%, no not at all it is more like 15%, the 33% is divided between the fruits AND veggies, so the fruits should only be about a tablespoons worth, only a few pieces. So what you are doing is fine, Until they are ready they still need extra proteins and calcium as they are growing, so that is why they are eating more of the leadbeaters, when she needs the fruits she will eat them, as of now she is getting what she needs.

Posted by: Robin,
Subject: none
When: 5:13 PM, 14 Dec 2000

Thanks again. You're my saving grace! smile

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: none
When: 5:17 PM, 14 Dec 2000

I wish I was mine.. LOL Good luck