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Posted by: stuff,
Subject: popcorn?
When: 5:04 PM, 14 Dec 2000

is homemade popcorn ok to feed gliders?
theres nothing added,no butter salt or anything so its very plain,

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Katie,
Subject: none
When: 6:22 PM, 14 Dec 2000

I don't know why popcorn wouldn't be safe but I honestly do ont know, sorry. I would ask someone else who may know for sure, but please be careful. I had a friend who always gave his turtle popcron, it loved it, (that wasn't all he fed it but as treats) one day the turtle choked on it and died. I know a glider isn't a turtle but I don't feed mine anything but leadbeaters, or fresh fruit and veggies...except for the odd sumflower as a treat....nothing else. Hope that helps a little and maybe someone else will post and give you another opinion. E-mail me if you have any questions. Katie

Posted by: KarenE,
Subject: none
When: 9:53 PM, 14 Dec 2000

Plain popcorn is a wonderful treat for any animal. You can also buy those mini ears at Wal-Mart/Petsmart and pop them for about 2 minutes.
They pop tiny little kernels, just glider hand size, and some of the popped kernels stay on the cob. The ones I have gotten pop "hulless" which doesn't have the choking hazard.
Another fun treat for gliders is fruit loops/cheerios on a shoe string tied to the top of the cage. Mine are particularly fond of this treat.

Posted by: W
Subject: none
When: 8:40 AM, 15 Dec 2000

Popcorn hulls aren't good for animals. You aren't supposed to feed popcorn to dogs and cats because the hulls get into their stomachs and can cut the lining, so I would assume the same for gliders. The white fluffy part is ok, but don't feed any of the brown parts.

I have tried feeding the white part to my gliders on several occasions (as a snack) and while they seem really interested in sniffing and playing with it, I have yet to see one actually eat it!

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: none
When: 8:26 AM, 19 Dec 2000

I personally wouldn't give mine popcorn since it is still corn and corn is high in phosphorus which takes away the absorption of calcium. If you only give it as a treat once in a rare while, I guess it wouldn't be that bad. I would worry about the hull though. Could you get the stuff that KarenE uses so that it's hulless. Just a thought.