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Posted by: DunKan
Subject: Help please...
When: 2:34 PM, 19 Dec 2000

Hello all. I have a simple question. Is to much apple bad for my sugarglider? I mean, he LOVES it and doesn't eat much else besides grapes. I like to give him a lot but my brother doesn't give him ANY so he doesn't eat a lot, if any. Who is right?

Also, can someone give me some sites to sugarglider stores online. I want to treat my little guy to some gifts this holiday and just needed stuff. I'm thinking some treats, toys, bedding, and yadda yadda yadda. Thanks!

Follow Ups:

Posted by: none
Subject: bedding
When: 5:26 PM, 19 Dec 2000

if you get bedding, make sure it is aspen not pine or cedar because pine and cedar are bad for them!!! wink

Posted by: Heather,
Subject: none
When: 10:29 PM, 19 Dec 2000

try <a href=></a> for treats. I thik apples are okay, I am ot sure though!!

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 10:52 PM, 19 Dec 2000

Apples are okay, but what else are you feeding him? He also needs protein, calcium - as well as a variety of fruits and veggies (such as corn, a glider favorite and mine like raw sweet potato). If your glider isn't getting adequate calcium, it will end up with HLP...Do you have MacPherson's book??

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 5:18 AM, 20 Dec 2000

Go to and click on Info. Then click on Bourbon's Diet. There is also a Real Stories section. It has several stories about Sugar Gliders. Several about HLP which is from lack of proper diet and calcium. These are very sad stories and most could have been prevented if the new owners had only feed them a proper diet.

Without a proper diet your baby is doomed. Please check out the diet page and I cannot over emphaize the importance of it. If your baby is already on Bourbon's Modified Leadbeaters then you are well on your way to having a very healthy Sugar Glider that will live a very, very long time.

Posted by: DunKan
Subject: none
When: 10:41 PM, 21 Dec 2000

I feed him the ratio of 75% fruits and 25% protein. For fruits I usually use a variety of either apples, pears, grapes, grape fruit, oranges, and cucumber. I probably forgot a few. For protein though, all I give him is Tofu. I tell you, that dude loves it! He hasn't gotten sick of it YET and it's been a LONG time so I'm sticking with it. I tried boiled chicken a few nights ago to switch it up but he didn't even touch it. When I first got him, I gave him boiled eggs but he liked it for a very short time, so I had to find another source, and that's when him and tofu met for the first time! Heh... Is that alright? For calcuim and put a little Reptocal in it, is that good? I have to get the regular RepCal though cause I think there was something different with the Reptocal. Right? I think I should make that leadbeaters stuff though. Anybody know of a page with the ingredients AND picutes? Thanks!

Posted by: Ellen
Subject: none
When: 11:42 PM, 21 Dec 2000

<a href=></a> Then look under Diets. Then go to Bourbons BML

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: none
When: 7:50 AM, 22 Dec 2000

If it is without any phosphorus, your reptocal should be okay. If it has phosphorus, throw it out and get a calcium / Vit D3 supplement without the phosphorus.

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 2:10 PM, 22 Dec 2000

Reptocal by the way, has a high phosphorus content. It is not good for gliders at all.

Posted by: stefan,
Subject: none
When: 11:56 PM, 22 Dec 2000

This is a forum for discussion. Placements of messages wanting sugar gliders or selling sugar gliders will be deleted.