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Posted by: denise,
Subject: diet ok?
When: 11:34 AM, 22 Dec 2000

I have a question. My glider will only eat the leadbeaters now. I don't know why. He has been doing this for a few days. He loves grapes, but now he won't touch them. Carrots either, and they were another of his favorites. Is it ok for him to just eat the one thing? I have given him all kinds of fruits and veggies. He did love them all, but now does not seem to want any of them. Should I try just putting the fruits and veggies in the bowl and see if he will eat it? Please help! I don't want my little guy to get sick if he doesn't have the proper diet.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: picky eater
When: 11:49 AM, 22 Dec 2000

See if he will eat baby food fruit, or some applesauce. Another fav even though fatty is avocado. Have you tried that? Hopefully this is just a "phase" - seems to me as long as he is eating his BML he will stay relatively healthy for a few days. Keep offering all kinds of stuff. Maybe he was craving protein. Keep us posted.

Posted by: Twees,
Subject: none
When: 11:54 AM, 22 Dec 2000

I would keep offering the other foods. Sugargliders can be rather fickle about their food. Mine have a different favorite food almost every week. Good luck!

Posted by: sean
Subject: none
When: 2:36 PM, 23 Dec 2000

try hand-feeding. Juno will usually eat stuff from my fingers, even if she won't touch it in her dish, this is how i got her to like pretty much everything she eats. a couple things to try are (ripe!) mission figs (they're black), mangoes, and peaches; they're all healthy (good calcium/phosphorus ratio), and sweet and juicy.
good luck...

Posted by: denise,
Subject: diet
When: 8:38 PM, 26 Dec 2000

Thanks for all your help. I have tried the different things you suggested, he is eating carrots now. He is still not eating everything, but I am still trying. He seems to be fine though. He is still playing and running around just fine. Thanks again!!

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 4:20 PM, 27 Dec 2000

i heard avacados are toxic to sg's

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 7:38 PM, 27 Dec 2000

They are high in fat they are not toxic.