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Posted by: GothicGliderMommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: Selfmutilation or not that exc
When: 1:56 PM, 26 Dec 2000

My male glider is an adult, the other day I noticed that his genitalia doesn't look normal. I know they have a forked genitalia but I was wondering if it could possibly have been mutilated at some point. The only picture that I have seen of one is a paper that Brisky had sent me. His behavior seems normal and I have never seen him chewing or even paying attention to his genitalia. Are there any other pictures of them or could it just have been not as excited?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 2:10 PM, 26 Dec 2000

what wasnt normal about it? The size?

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: none
When: 6:31 PM, 26 Dec 2000

It is normal to only see one and not two. Once in a while you may see both but seldom.

If he had chewed it off he would be dead or close to it and in severe pain. It is not a pleasent site to whitness.

Posted by: GothicGliderMommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: none
When: 10:06 PM, 26 Dec 2000

Both of them were hanging out, they just look abnoral and the tips of them looked rounded like balls. Do you think he could have been "not so excited"? I do think that it is not selfmutilation cause he would have killed himself if it were that.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 1:35 PM, 27 Dec 2000

I would not go by the pictures that brisksys sent you...not all gliders are going to look exactly alike...was this abnormal looking for your glider? Thats whats need to know how his genitalia looks and if this was abnormal. Did it look irratated? If soemthing was wrong with it its likely he would be messing with it a lot because of the pain.

Posted by: GothicGliderMommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: none
When: 1:52 PM, 27 Dec 2000

Well I have seen one other time, just one of them. Looked pretty normal or tubular shaped, I just was not sure if he has been messing with it or if he was not that excited. When I saw it when my female was out running along his cage, they are separated because she is too young, I don't know if that helps you any.