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Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: Chewing on wodent wheel
When: 10:42 PM, 27 Dec 2000

My pregnant female glider has taken to chewing the outside leather strip of her wodent wheel. Is this a problem?

I feed her the BML diet with 4-5 crickets per day plus an extra protein source (chicken or egg) each day and as many mealies as she'll take every other day or so. I've really loaded on the extra calories above since I found out she had joeys. Thanks.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: GothicGliderMommy, wretchedscabbedwings@hotmail.c
Subject: none
When: 11:31 PM, 27 Dec 2000

My male glider does this also, i don't think it is because a lack of something in the diet. I think they just do it to do it.

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 11:08 AM, 28 Dec 2000

im not an expert but i heard if your female gets fat while pregnant, her babies have a good chance of being blind because fat deposits build up behind the joeys eyes. Bourbon or someone else that knows about this please let us know. I dont want to be giving out any false info. Thanks!-Angela

Posted by: Debbie,
Subject: fat deposits in eyes
When: 11:45 AM, 28 Dec 2000

Yes, thanks Angela, I'm aware of that. I don't think she'll get fat, she started out kinda skinny and with a bad diet (previous owners). I appreciate you looking out for us though!

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 1:49 PM, 28 Dec 2000

oh ok just making sure. are you a person that knows a bunch about gliders? i hate being the new person

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: Chewing on leather
When: 2:49 PM, 29 Dec 2000

I don't know what it is about leather but on my hollow coconut that I got for them, my male chews on the leather attachments. Maybe it's because it's soft but firm. I don't know but I'm thinking of buying some leather toys for them to chew on and maybe that'll give them some enjoyment. I don't think that there's anything lacking in her diet (your pregnant female). raspberry