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Posted by: Cecil,
Subject: none
When: 12:28 AM, 29 Dec 2000

Is It possible to buy a male or female un-nuetered? My pet store owner said you can only have them when their not nuetered if your a breeder, and you have to have a license for that?.. Any Truth to any thing he told me?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Shannon,
Subject: none
When: 7:43 AM, 29 Dec 2000

Many pet stores sell unneutered males. You should have a license if you have one female and you get an unneutered male because eventually you will have babies. But yeah you can buy unneutered male gliders about anywhere.

Posted by: none
Subject: none
When: 9:54 AM, 29 Dec 2000

Shame, shame, Cecil...We are not going there remember: We're not here to bring more gliders into the world when there are already too many not being cared for properly. Too many people breed gliders then sell the joeys cheaply or give them away only to have them neglected and abused. Those of us who love gliders do not want to see this happen and will do NOTHING to promote it! get it?????

Posted by: none
Subject: none
When: 10:08 AM, 29 Dec 2000

What is wrong with getting a neutered animal???? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! A neutered animal will make just as good a pet or companion as one that is not. In fact, who is to say that it would not be a better pet? More neutered animals means less unwanted ones being given away to be abused and malnourished. Gliderlovers do not want to see the latter happen. Cappeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhh?

Posted by: Me, none
Subject: none
When: 12:05 PM, 29 Dec 2000

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: none
When: 12:20 PM, 29 Dec 2000

Almost anytime you buy at a pet store you get an unnuetered must have a liscence to sell or even give away a baby..and gliders breed like crazy so you will need a lisemce. Please do think about neutering..we do have a huge population of inwanted gliders alrewady and they are hard to sell.

Posted by: Kim,
Subject: none
When: 1:02 PM, 29 Dec 2000

Hmm whoever posted that anon reply- I agree!!!! My 2 neutered boys are wonderful, Cher doesnt mind either.

Posted by: Jasmine,
Subject: none
When: 1:58 PM, 29 Dec 2000


Your pet store owner is probably confusing sugar gliders with ferrets. It is the law that ferrets must be neutered to be sold in a pet store because female ferrets die from anemia if they aren't bred or given a hormone shot when they go into heat.

Female sugar gliders don't get neutered. Their plumbing is too complicated (marsupial thing).
Anyhow, I'd recommend that you find a good breeder for a sugar glider rather than buying them from a pet store. Pet store gliders tend to be less healthy and tame due to the fact they require alot of attention and most pet stores employees don't have the time to give it. You can also meet the parents if you go to a breeder (major plus) and make sure they are healthy.

You do have to have a USDA license to breed sugar gliders and sell them, but very few people do. Pet stores can easily busted, though, if they don't own such a license. For what it's worth, neutered males make better pets than unneutered males. They have less odor, and don't pee-mark as much. Just my opinion.