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Posted by: Lu,
Subject: Pine bedding?
When: 11:48 AM, 30 Dec 2000

I asked about cedar in chat and B told me it wasn't good. I forgot to ask about pine. Is it ok? I know there was a post here, but I couldn't find it. smile

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: none
When: 12:11 PM, 30 Dec 2000

No. Anything with a scent like that can cause them respiratory problems/distress. The best material (IMHO) for the bottom of the cage tray is plain white paper towels, or black & white newspaper (no color).

Posted by: dagny
Subject: none
When: 8:19 PM, 30 Dec 2000

i definitally agree..paper is best..also if your gliders are pesky (like mine) and eat bedding...the wood can be really haxerdous..paper (although it isnt great if they do eat it) is a much safer bet.

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: none
When: 11:32 PM, 30 Dec 2000

Pine and Cedar are definiely out of the question. Both can cause respitory problems but if you feel you have to have some wood chip type stuff on the bottom of the cage, use aspen as this does not have anything in it that'll hurt the glider. But make sure you clean it often. smile