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Posted by: Jeanette,
Subject: Question
When: 4:46 PM, 31 Dec 2000

I was just wondering about something. I just recently found out that my sugargliders do not always eat the food I give them. They seem to love cat food but they chew it up and usually spit it out and the same with the glider food. Does anyone know why?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Barb,
Subject: none
When: 6:27 PM, 31 Dec 2000

Don't feed you glider cat food -- too many chemicals and additives which aren't good for it. Get Caroline MacPherson's book SUGAR GLIDERS and use it for a guideline. If you are not feeding your glider properly, it will get sick. When a glider gets sick, it will go down hill very fast.

Posted by: IrishCreme
Subject: none
When: 10:26 PM, 31 Dec 2000

A glider will spit out anything that is pulpy when chewed most of the time. If you look carefully, youll find little pieces of apple on the cage floor sometimes. Or if youre lucky, you can quietly watch your glider while they eat - my little buggers spit all of the time. smile

Posted by: Lauren,
Subject: none
When: 8:42 AM, 01 Jan 2001

Caroline MacPherson's book is good and all but it too says that cat food is an acceptable food for gliders. There are so many opinions out there about this, but I don't use it simply because I wouldn't give my dog cat food and they are both carnivorous mamals, so I don't give my glider cat food either. smile