Posted by: | Elizabeth, | Subject: | Which one's smarter? | When: | 1:01 PM, 02 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
Is a female or a male sugarglider smarter? Please answer me by a vote, I want to see if this is a good Sciece Fair Project. I am going to try to find out the answer. On the poster on the day of the fair its going to have what you said. I want to see what you think before the data, and information comes to a conclusion. Please help me by voteing. Thank You :
Posted by: | Barb, | Subject: | none | When: | 1:30 PM, 02 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
Females are definitely smarter....If there is anyway to get out of a cage, a female will find it and get out. The male always stays in the cage. (You'll never find and escaped glider in the same place twice either...unless it is in the closet.)
Posted by: | Dawn, | Subject: | none | When: | 2:54 PM, 02 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
My female is definitely smarter and more independent; my male isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but he's a cuddler!
Posted by: | sean | Subject: | none | When: | 3:41 PM, 02 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
...check a bio book on animal family structure...females tend to be cleaner, more protective of their family structure, etc. etc. etc. females have more to do as primary care providers for young, males usually just hunt things and bring them back to eat...i bet a good book would have a better answer tho...
Posted by: | none | Subject: | girls vs. boys | When: | 11:32 PM, 02 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
i don't have a sugar glider of my own but am hoping to get one. Anyways i think in almost all species girls are smarter than boys (especially in the human species!
Posted by: | Cecil, | Subject: | none | When: | 12:33 AM, 03 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
I'm voting male, just so we have a vote!
Posted by: | O Mysterious One, none | Subject: | Project Idea | When: | 9:15 AM, 03 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
I had an idea for a project, and debated whether to post it but here it is: K here is a really weird idea but it will work if you have a male and female sugar glider know somebody willing to let you use there sugar gliders. Give it tasks. Do things like 'Squirell Fishing' and if you have a smaller cage try what Barb was talking about. Have a good hole in it (so big that nothing will get stuck, but not to small that they can find it right away) and see who finds it first. Then get the results by either writing them down or with a video camera. Then let the people on this board guess which one found the hole first, or got the treat in squirell fishing. Just some ideas! Note: Remember to do this in a glider proofed room, and use a spare cage! Another note: I'll post another post on squirell fishing if you want me to.
Posted by: | Elizabeth, | Subject: | Thanks | When: | 10:31 AM, 03 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
thank you everyone for your votes... O mysterious One that would be great if you posted another idea... On the 31 the votes should be posted from school, the net, and my family members...
Posted by: | O Mysterious One, none | Subject: | none | When: | 11:50 AM, 03 Jan 2001 | IP: | |
K, I was looking for an idea for a science porject idea (before I knew we can't do them this year) and I was reading about this one project.It's purpose was to test rodent intelligent levels (it can be modified for sugar gliders). They used squirrels. They took a piece of string, got a small handle(piece of wood), and tied a treat to the end of the string. They 'casted' the string near a squirrel. When the squirrel went for it, the would drag it bacwards. They found out about whether they could use the reasoning for trying to break the string with the part of the treat, whether they would jump for it, and things like that. You could try something like that and see what steps a female would take to get the treat compared to a male.