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Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: Sgga-Sugar Glider Get Away
When: 3:13 PM, 09 Jan 2001
Locked: This discussion was locked by a moderator.

Okay I just got back from the meeting at the hotel. I have another meeting setup for Thursday, but before that meeting I need some answers to some q's. The rates will be 30.00 per night for all rooms, we are asking the number of people sharing a romom be kept to a minimum, as the more rooms, we can get rented. The less expense we have to incur. We are trying very hard to make this as affordable as possible. If 2 people share a room the cost averages out to be 15.00 person, per night. This is based on 25 rooms, being rented. This is for those that will be renting the rooms at 30.00 per night.

1. Are you definitly Going? No "maybe's" on this thread..
2. Are you definitly going to bring your glider?
3. Will you need a refrigerator and/or a microwave in your room? 3.00 extra each Night for each Item.
4. Handicapp rooms are available, will a special room be needed?
5. What is the earliest you can make reservations?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Maria,
Subject: glider getaway
When: 3:17 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Yes, I'm going
Bringing 1 glider
Want refrigerator
Don't need handicapped room
Now, but might need to add hubby later

Posted by: Dawn,
Subject: did I miss the dates?
When: 6:44 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Maybe I missed the dates, but when exactly is the SGGA?

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: I'm definitely coming
When: 11:57 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Hi Bourbon, we're definitely going and a Frig would be a good idea for us. smile If I should find that my husband can't make it later I will tell you so someone can pair up in a room with me but he definitely is coming and I am no matter what smile wink raspberry See ya all there!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: emily,
Subject: trip
When: 2:27 AM, 10 Jan 2001

how many days is this again? if it is not too many (like two) ill definately go. 2 gliders (one cage) and to everyone, would it be possible to share a fridge with someone? and i was wondering if anyone would want to car pool? i live in Iowa City, IA, and I am also always in the Quad Citys. If anyone goes through here driving, id be interested in sharing gas and such. also maybe bunking with someone. im trying to budget, and id have my boyfriend come with, but i doubt hed have tons of fun, hes more of a fish guy.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: SGGA
When: 3:03 PM, 10 Jan 2001

Well Im not Bourbon but I can answer some of these.

Dawn: its the last weekend in July.

Emily: The SGGA id on a friday, sat, and sunday. Howeevr the main things are all day sat. So friday night people will just be comming in and getting settled and meeting people, etc.

Sunday will mainly be people saying goodbye and leaving...maybe having breakfast or soemthing but thats abotu it.

So while its really 3 don't have to stay 3 full days. I think most people will stay fri and sat night...but soem may only stay sat night...thats really up to you.

As for shaeing a fridge...well I would be willing to let you share one with me...but I don't know how far our rooms might be apart and how much stuff we will need to keep cold..and stuff like that. So I could probably let you use mine if you wanted to...but just not sure how well that would work out.

Many people are going that only post on glider if you can't find a car pool on this site..try looking there also.
As for your bf well I am rerally in the same boat with you. He likes gliders okay but he doesnt really want to spend a weekend talking about gliders....however he did go last eyar and there were a lot of husbands and boyfriends there that were hanging out and talking about other stuff. So he should be fine.

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: DFW?
When: 3:09 PM, 10 Jan 2001

anyone driving through the Fort Worth, TX area? My mom might let me go by myself, but im 14 & so if we go anywhere other then the hotel i wont be able to unless i have a ride. & ill need a ride there & back home, but i can help pay for gas and everything. Please let me know! -Angela

Posted by: emily
Subject: trip
When: 5:18 PM, 10 Jan 2001

Mary/beck, all i would need the fridge for is a small baggie of food for my gliders. id only need to get to it once a da, so i dont think it would be too much of an inconvience. Id really appreciate it, my budget is going to have to be carefully guarded for this trip. Bourbon, im definately going, and so is my boyfriend, so thats two. and two gliders in one cage. i dont know when i can make reservations, so i guess some sort of deadline would be great. i cant wait for july.

Posted by: Jim M,
Subject: Car pooler for emily
When: 6:12 PM, 10 Jan 2001

I live in Iowa City as well, so I have to check my schedule to see if I can make it. Keep it in the back of your mind if you want to car pool. What is the deadline for reservations?? raspberry

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: SGGA
When: 9:59 PM, 10 Jan 2001

Emily: oh then it wouldnt be a problem at all.

I don't think you will ahve to bring much food really. the leadbeaters will be provided there. Last eyar fruits and veggies were provided but I ahven't heard about that yet. So if thats the case you only need to bring insects for the gliders.

Jim: I have no clue when the final deadline is...Bourbon hasn't really said yet.

Posted by: PETE
Subject: Where !!
When: 12:56 AM, 11 Jan 2001

where is it being held "B"? Lol Thanks !!!!
Would love to get involved !!!!

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: SGGA
When: 10:09 AM, 11 Jan 2001

Its in Clarksville, TN.

Posted by: Rachel2,
Subject: subject
When: 11:47 AM, 11 Jan 2001

I am PROBABLY going....sorry B...You said no "maybes" but until I get ALL the info I can't say for sure. I am asking for the weekend off and everything and looking into plane tickets, So unless I find out I have to walk from the airport to the hotel or if I find out there are no more rooms Then chances are I will be there!

Posted by: DyTee/WiCkEdVaMpI,
Subject: ANgela
When: 1:00 PM, 11 Jan 2001

Hey angela could i get your number, I'm bourbons daughter and i'm 17 and if u could find a ride up and back i'm sure my bf and i wouldn't mind going from the hotel to the places to be going.

let me know

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: notices sent
When: 1:18 AM, 12 Jan 2001

Okay everyone that responded to this thread, has been notified as to where to make reservations. This group has a first option choice. As well as those that responded on the other board, emailed me directly or called me. On Monday, I will post the info for those that still wish to come that didn't respond. As of right now, there is a deadline of March 31st, 2001.
That deadline will be for a number of things.
1. there is a 7.00 per room fee for those bringing their gliders with them, up to that point, we will cover that fee.
2. The hotel is saving blocks of rooms for us to ensure we have the rooms available, after that date, there will be no guarantee. but availabilty may still be there, it is risky after that date. I will work on other hotel arrangements if needed.
3. The special rates will remain the same even after that date for the SGGA , but room availabilty not be guaranteed.

Posted by: Lu,
Subject: I wanna go...
When: 9:16 AM, 12 Jan 2001

Hey, B, I'd like info on this! It sounds like a lot of fun! smile

Posted by: Bourbon
Subject: Price verification
When: 10:27 AM, 12 Jan 2001

I have just been informed it is on a per person per night rate of 30.00, I am in the process of checking to see if, another hotel can match the price of 30.00 per ROOM. But then again 15.00 per night per person does sound a bit too cheap even for a sleazy hotel huh? Let a lone a quality hotel. Let me know what you think I should do? Those that I have halready emailed, I just sent another.

Posted by: Ms. Shell,
Subject: 2 cents
When: 11:10 AM, 12 Jan 2001

Here's my two cents... take it or leave it. raspberry
I know things are tough all over (finacially), but I still think that $30.00 sounds pretty dang good. It's not like it's next week. People have 195 days to save up money (if possible) and make kid or work arrangements.
Count me in! I'll sale Ty's blood, sperm, or kidneys (or him) if I have to!
smile smile smile

Posted by: PreddyFairy
Subject: adfa
When: 1:01 PM, 12 Jan 2001

Alot of people that are married cant afford to pay 60 dollars a night for one room. I think that's a big rediculious but if that's the only option, Can I still go to the getaway if I stay in a sleezy hotel near the place?

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: Need Room and Frig with Glider
When: 1:25 PM, 12 Jan 2001

Count me in with a glider too. Need a frig. and one room with one bed. Will come in on Thurs. and leave on Sunday.

Posted by: Mary/Beck,
Subject: Rooms
When: 4:00 PM, 12 Jan 2001

30 dollars a person isn't too big of a deal if you are in a single room...but I do agree 60 dollars is a little high when you are married or living together. I will ofcourse still come, but I know at most hotels the rate doesn't go up by a whole lot when you add a person to the room. In this case its doubled. We did pay 66 dollars a night last year(our own mistake), but after that we learned the two hotels down the street were much cheaper 38 a night or 45 a 60 is pretty high...I'm pretty sure we could find a cheaper place soemwhere around there...but maybe Clarksville is juts a more expensive area.

Posted by: Tessa,
Subject: Still coming + why do gliders
When: 7:35 PM, 12 Jan 2001

It would be nice if it was cheaper, so if you find it that would be great but that's not going to stop me from coming and my hubby still wants to come. If it is at all possible, a cheaper rate per person would be nice. And count us in for bringing the glider...only though, I have a question. Why would it cost more to have a pet come along. It's not like they get food service or shower or anything from the hotel. Seems that they're out to make that money from pets that don't ask for anything from the hotel except to be with their persons. frown

Posted by: Rocki'sMom,
Subject: Need info
When: 11:08 AM, 14 Jan 2001

B..I need the information as emailed to me as well, I think my hubby is coming with me this year and there is a lady that doesn't live too far from me, Ellen, that wants to come too.


Posted by: Chase,
Subject: Please give me more info
When: 6:10 PM, 14 Jan 2001

Could you e-mail me with all the info please, because this sounds awesome. My e-mail is


P.S. Angela if I did go I might be able to give you a ride because I live in Fort Worth.

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: :)
When: 7:50 PM, 14 Jan 2001

Thanks Chase & DyTee (?) / Bourbon's daughter. Ill email you two shortly to see if that works & ill give you my number. Sorry i cant email you right now i cant get to my email smile but thanks for you all for being so nice. Where would we be going other then the hotel?