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Posted by: Anna,
Subject: Glider or Flying Squirrel?
When: 11:02 PM, 09 Jan 2001

Please tell me your opinion on this subject...I read tons on both the flying squirrel and the sugar glider, cant decide between the two.

Follow Ups:

Posted by: SugarLove,
Subject: my opinion on it...
When: 11:21 PM, 09 Jan 2001

personally I'd love to have both..but i just have to deal with having my 6 wonderful sugar gliders, since flying squirrels are illegal where i live...

Posted by: david,
Subject: squirrel
When: 11:58 AM, 10 Jan 2001

i have spent much time searching for a flying squirrel in my area, and i have had no luck at all. i too am interested as to which someone prefers, or if a sugar glider and squirrel get along together, but not in the same cage.

Posted by: Eva,
Subject: hope it helps!
When: 10:39 PM, 10 Jan 2001

well I have gliders and I took in a hurt flying squirrel (although it didn't survive the night)
anyway I decided I wouldn't ever get a squirrel (although they are cute)
anyway my reason is this.

either way glider or squirrel they would both need tamed. as you may or may not have heard when tameing an animal you will often get bit. and if you compare tooth size, a gliders teeth are far smaller! I personally would not want to get bite by a flying squirrel!

just a though,


Posted by: yerushalayim
Subject: some things to compare
When: 1:00 PM, 11 Jan 2001

My friend had a flyinq squirrel he got as a baby from Rodney Knox in Fl. They are very cute. They don't hurt that bad when they bite either. The one thing to compare them is one...their diet isn't has critical as the glider...two..They don't bond like gliders but do know who their owner is and would stay on them more then they would anyone else. Those are just some things I noticed. I like both the glider and flying squirrels a lot.
Anyway, I hope that helps some.

Posted by: Anna
Subject: Yerusha are you Russian?
When: 1:31 AM, 12 Jan 2001

Hi I was wondering if you are from Russia?

Posted by: yerushalayim
Subject: no
When: 5:30 PM, 12 Jan 2001

No I am not from Russia, nor am I Russian. I live in Selmer, TN.

Posted by: Jasmine,
Subject: Gliders vs. Flyers: Da Scoop!
When: 4:40 PM, 12 Jan 2001

Actually flyers DO bond very VERY closely to their owners. Sometimes a flyer will bond so closely to one person that it will jealous around others, and some have been known to attack their owners' spouses/kids out of jealousy/protectiveness (rare). Their diet is also VERY important. Flyers, like gliders, require calcium and fresh fruits and veggies. They tend to eat more nuts, though.

The main differences: Flyers DO have sharper teeth. They are rodents and have large incisors (like chisels). If they bite out of aggression, their bites can go really deep into the skin. It's similar to being bitten by a hamster, where a sugar glider bite is more like being bitten by a parakeet (rarely breaks skin).

Flyers are easier to potty train and have less of an odor than sugar gliders. Rodents generally are clean (except for mice...WHEW). From what I've experienced and read, sugar gliders are a little more laid back, though not as playful as flyers. Mind you, this is not saying much since BOTH animals are super hyper and energetic when awake, and sugar gliders do love to play. Flyers are a little more hardy, but don't be fooled, both of these are little animals that can be easily injured. Flying squirrels have been in captivity hundreds of years (John Smith actually notes Native Americans owning them in his diary). Sugar gliders have only been in captivity 50 years.

Both animals live 10-15 years. Both are nocturnal. Both are demanding pets because they require lots of attention. Both of these animals need hours of attention every day or they get depressed. Both are better pets if bought as captive-bred babies from a reputable breeder. Both need large cages. Both can fit nicely in a shirt pocket...or bra. raspberry

Here's the Odd Pet Directory's chat board for flying squirrels:

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