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Posted by: emily
Subject: does size matter?
When: 10:28 PM, 12 Jan 2001

im sorry, i just couldnt help it:). anyways, my firend has a 10 week oop female, and i just saw a 6 week oop female. the 10 week oop one was half the size of the other one,why? the six week one did not look fat, and her tail wasnt bushy at the end yet, so i knew she was young. im just curious why the one was so much smaller than the other. the smaller one didntt look terrably skinney, and her tail was fully bushy. any ideas?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Ms. Shell,
Subject: emily
When: 12:42 AM, 13 Jan 2001

Anyone who says is doesn't is lying! wink
I think gliders are like people, different shapes and sizes... ya know? Like I think my gliders are a tad on the small size, but probably average. Bourbon's daughter Nikki's glider is teeny. Betsy's poor little glider was anything but little. He's past away now, but that guy was huge!
Were they both twins or single babies? That might have something to do with it.
So if you don't have any reason to think the 10 week old unhealthy or mistreated (wrong diet etc.) then I would just chalk it up to them being different.

Posted by: Judie,
Subject: tiny gliders in size only
When: 1:09 AM, 13 Jan 2001

Sometimes size depends on the parents. Out of 14 pairs and 1 trio, I have two pairs of which the females are very tiny. Taz and Peak, Snickers and Yum Yum had babies come just recently. Taz is a very large glider and I paired him with a tiny female named Peak. Their babies were of normal size. When her babies were six weeks oop. they were larger than her. While Snickers a med. sized male was paired with tiny Yum Yum. Their babies when six weeks oop. are very, very tiny. In fact I still have the little male. He is 9 weeks oop. and is about the size of a four week oop baby. Very healthy but very tiny. His sister was 1/3 larger and went to her new home about two weeks ago. This wee little boy is eating leadbeaters but I saw him mother, Yum Yum still nursing him the other night. Dad will still babysit him also. Do not know if this wee one is going to grow up or not. Mom and Dad both treat him like a tiny baby of which he is but only in size.

Posted by: emily,
Subject: size
When: 1:45 PM, 13 Jan 2001

i figured, but i thought id ask. thanks.