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Posted by: Emma,
Subject: just need
When: 10:46 AM, 21 Jan 2001

could someone tell me if sugar gliders are leagal in Minnesota? and I need someone to tell me how to get their vitamin E and all the vitamines. Thanks
Emma wink raspberry smile

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Star,
Subject: reply
When: 11:06 AM, 21 Jan 2001

I follow Burbon's diet. I am pretty sure there is a link to it on this sites links page. I get calcium for my boys at any pet shop in the reptile section make sure it has vit D3 and is phosphorus free. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I beleive that the vit E is in the wheatgerm that goes into the leadbeaters (this recepie is also on Burbon's sit)