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Posted by: Angela,
Subject: BML/food q's
When: 10:52 AM, 21 Jan 2001

I have a few questions...
Should you freeze the BML in cybes & feed 1 or 1/2 cubes every night + fruits & insects or do you thaw it out & then give a certain amount to them? Also, can you take fruit and/or veggies & just blend them (1 fruit or veggie per batch, no blending together) & freeze that or feed like that, will it still be healthy? Which is better, blended or whole? Also, some suggested just getting fruits or veggies from salad bars, is that ok? or do they have bad stuff on it? Please let me know- Angela

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: ?
When: 11:06 AM, 21 Jan 2001

why does it post my post twice? i didnt do that on purpose... frown

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: hello?
When: 2:50 PM, 21 Jan 2001

anyone here???