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Posted by: Angela,
Subject: Another question
When: 2:50 PM, 06 Oct 2000

I have another question.... I read somewhere that you shouldn't take your glider anywhere because it stresses them out. Me and my brother own a feed store and so, I could bring him to work although I drive 45 min. to and from work is it best just to leave him at home?

Follow Ups:

Posted by: Mike Sandridge,
Subject: advice
When: 2:57 PM, 06 Oct 2000

I disagee I take my gliders with me several hand they like to travel Just make sure you have them a water supply and a safe secure travel cage any other ?'s please ask I will be happy to help

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 3:53 PM, 06 Oct 2000

Posted by: Angela,
Subject: none
When: 3:55 PM, 06 Oct 2000

Thank you I am looking forward to bringing him to work with me. I posted a message earlier today about my glider the subject is Reverend if you could help me with that i would appreciate it i am very worried about him (reverend).

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Never heard that one
When: 4:22 PM, 06 Oct 2000

I take Peep with me everywhere I go...he loves being with would probably stress him out if I were to stop.

Posted by: Jesse and Luke,
Subject: none
When: 12:40 PM, 07 Oct 2000

We take our glider all over the place; as long as she's in our pocket, she doesn't even know what's going on if we don't wake her up. Lots of time in the car, however, can make them sick, because some of them get car sick (rides longer than 2 hours make our baby a little depressed). I wouldn't take them out at night, however, because they have a tendency to interupt your driving with their playfulness.

Posted by: Mary,
Subject: Thats odd
When: 3:36 PM, 07 Oct 2000

Thats really odd. I travle all the time. I used to travel 3 hrs every weekend to go visit my boufriend. I have never noticed a glider being carsick or depressed from it. I wonder why yours gets sick and mine doesn't even notice.